Ask A Provost

The Ask a Provost program provides sitting chief academic officers (CAOs) who are members of ACAO with an opportunity for a confidential conversation with a retired CAO about day to day challenges or more complex planning issues inherent in the role. Given the complexity of the job, CAOs may benefit from a neutral third-party to serve as a sounding board. Ask a Provost was created by the ACAO Advisory Council and offers a confidential, safe space for open peer-to-peer exchange. This service is a FREE resource for ACAO members.

Ask Your Questions HERE

The program utilizes the talent and experience of recently retired CAOs who serve on the ACAO Advisory Council. They volunteer their time to support the Ask a Provost program. The Council reflects extensive career expertise with experience at diverse institutional types and sizes. While this service is not intended to serve as an alternative to formal consulting services or formal mentoring programs, the peer-to-peer exchange it facilitates provides ACAO members with a convenient opportunity to:

  • pose a specific question or seek guidance about a particular issue through an easy, convenient online process using this link: Ask Your Questions HERE 
  • request a phone conversation to discuss a specific issue presented by requesting CAO soliciting this service—including but not limited to topics such as best practices, current challenges, strategies, referrals, and/or professional development.