Leadership Competencies Checklist
In a recently commissioned study by Academic Search, researchers identified seven key leadership competencies as being crucial to effective presidential leadership in higher education. However, these competencies are not exclusive to presidents alone; they are equally essential for all senior leadership roles across higher education institutions. The research involved interviews with over 700 current college and university presidents, alongside the collection of additional relevant data, over the course of a comprehensive year-long study. For those interested, a free copy of the full report is available at: https://www.academicsearch.org/blog/competencies-for-the-college-presidency/
As you work to build and strengthen your leadership team, it’s important to think about how junior members can be equipped to develop these competencies. Consider implementing mentorship programs, leadership development workshops, or other forms of continuing education to foster professional growth and ensure your team is poised to take on future leadership challenges. Reflect on your own leadership strengths and areas for improvement: Are there gaps in your skill set? What resources or opportunities can you leverage to acquire and enhance these competencies?